Luminous Home Builders Blog

Building Hurricane-resistant Homes in Texas

Building Hurricane-resistant Homes in Texas

Texas has a coastline with the Gulf of Mexico to the southeast, which is a hurricane-prone area. While Texas is partly in a designated catastrophe area, people living near the coast should take extra steps to build hurricane-resistant homes for protection against hurricane damage.

Why Build a Custom Home?

Why Build a Custom Home?

Are you in the market for a new home, but unable to decide whether to build a custom home or just personalize an existing house? Then continue reading to know why building a custom home is a popular choice. Building a custom home and buying an existing one has their...

Qualities to Look for in a Home Builder

Qualities to Look for in a Home Builder

What makes a good home builder? What are the qualities of a good home builder? Building a home is the biggest investment that most people will ever make, and the best way to ensure that your home turns out exactly the way you've planned it to be is by hiring the...

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